Monday, September 24, 2007

Funniest Story of my LIFE

Miss Elliana Short is a kindergartener, a recently crowned Pumpkin Princess and my youngest piano student. We have problems focusing at times :) We remember which finger is 'two', but forget when, two milliseconds later, her mind wanders. It's ok, she's five.

Today, as we were trying to figure out just how to count to four, she posed a very important question, "Who taught you how to play the piano?" Thinking a simple answer would suffice I complied - "Oh, someone taught me when I was little, just like I'm teaching you."

I saw her wheels turning - I let her think it out, "But...well, then someone had to teach them?" A five year old, concerned with the geneaology of piano teachers - this was going to be good. "Yes, someone taught them too." A puzzled expression came over her face, "Well, then....but so someone taught them and someone taught them....then, WHO taught the first person??"

Brillant! My Elliana Short is a logician and she doesn't even know it.

Now how to answer this...I didn't really know. I explained something about how pianos weren't around forever, someone had to invent them. The person who invented the first piano probably taught himself how to play it. Not exactly accurate, but she doesn't really need the entire history of keyboard instruments. Get this...this is the great part....

"So, the first person learned to play the piano. And then, they taught people and they taught people and they taught someone and they taught you??"

So, according to Elliana Short, Pumpkin Princess, kindergartener, philosopher extraordinaire, I am just a few generations away from the 'first' piano player.

I didn't laugh by the way. You can't laugh at five-year old princesses :)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.

Emily Dickinson

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sometimes I forget to eat. Sometimes I just don't have time to eat. Most days eating is optional; coffee is mandatory. When I do get time to eat I'm so ravenously hungry that I eat hoardes of food (not literally...I'm talkin' hoardes for cassiesheppard). Then, I feel monsterously sick and the use of outrageous adjectives is beyond my control. However, this is a real life big time problem sometimes/most of the time. The reason that I say these things is that I then associate this sick feeling with eating. It's a cyclical thing...cyclical, that was on my test today and I had no idea because I missed that class to learn words like garrulous, salubrious and pith. Point of the story/my life: food and I don't get along sometimes/most of the time. If there had to be a second point I suppose it's that words never do what you want them to do unless you use really big ones.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My aunt died yesterday. I'm not sure I have anything else to say.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Fresh Start

If you know me well, you know that I am very impulsive and do random things. With that in mind, I'm sure deleting my entire blog and starting over doesn't sound out of character for me - not even in the slightest. Life is about change and adaptation - the more we go through the stronger our character becomes. We have a whole long life to live but only one. Ride the wave, be free, care about what you are doing and how you are shaping the world. Influence others to see the light and experience happiness. Be creative and extraordinary but be yourself. Find out what you are good at-what you love- and be passionate about it. But don't be selfish in your pursuits - realize there is a world around you - a world full of human beings with hearts and minds that are nothing but beautiful at their very core.